
Für Ihre Untersuchung bei uns benötigen Sie:

Die EHIC wird nur an Bürger der EU/EWR und der Schweiz ausgegeben. Manche weiteren Länder haben bilaterale Abkommen mit Deutschland. Das Verfahren dafür ist komplizierter; es wird beispielsweise hier beschrieben.

Wenn Sie diese Dokumente nicht vorlegen können, müssen wir unsere Leistungen Ihnen unmittelbar selbst in Rechnung stellen. Die Kosten für Sie richten sich dann nach der deutschen Gebührenordnung für Ärzte.


A European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in Germany and other EU countries. This includes treatment of chronic or pre-existing medical conditions, should it become necessary during your visit.

The EHIC will not cover your medical treatment if you travelled to Germany specifically to receive medical treatment.

For your examination with us you need to bring all of the following:

  • Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
  • Your passport or identity card
  • A referral form signed by a licensed doctor in Germany
  • The completed „Patient Statement European Health Insurance“, which can be downloaded in your preferred language here: EXT_ITA_AHEX_Erklaerung_EHIC_PEB)

If you are unable to provide these documents, we will need to invoice you for our services directly. The cost will depend on the German statuary scale of fees for physicians.

The EHIC is only issued to citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Some other countries have bilateral agreements with Germany to cover medical treatment of their citizens. The procedure for this is more complicated and is described here (document in German).

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 3. August 2020